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Dale: Mr. Lincoln Visit 

Person in period outfit with a top hat and beard, outdoors under a blue sky with clouds.

Dale: 5:30 pm (ages 8 yrs & up) Join us for a fun evening with Abraham Lincoln

A seven-time grant recipient honored by the Indiana Arts Commission for outstanding theatrical achievement, Danny Russel fully embodies Lincoln’s fantastic journey from a log cabin to the White House.

Hilarity, heartbreak, and humanity abound during those formative boyhood years in southern Indiana (age 7-21), his numerous business failures, years as a prairie lawyer, life with Mary and their sons, political aspirations, Civil War tragedy and triumph, brilliant speeches, and ultimate freedom for slaves. “Abraham Lincoln: Hoosier Hero” is a fascinating panoply of uproarious comedy, tearful reminiscence, political intrigue, and always insightful commentary on the human condition.